There are two passports of two men, with potoes look like criminals. The one is the planner of this trip - Takayuki suzui as "MR.". Another is, unbelievable, - but it's ordinary things in this program- the poor king who knows only "going abroad", Yo Oizumi!!

As usual, Oizumi-kun doesn't know anything about important things, even in the morning of the day they start. But this time Oizumi-kun prepared almost perfectly that he could go anywhere abroad, making use of his experiences. And MR. is with blue riot gear. He's, somehow, wearing a T-shirt printed blue fire of JFA.
Oizumi-kun prepared two types of baggages.
Oizumi : "I don't want to die on the way to there."
Yes, you're right.
Oizumi-kun : "Unexpectedlly, there are cold places near here."
Yes, exactlly. For example, Siberia...

Oizumi-kun stocked such a thing in the baggage for the hot places prudently.
Oizumi-kun : "To show the enemies, "I've been hurt, already."



Anyway, now we know Oizumi-kun prepared for anywhere in the world. We want to know how you are nervous about the distination.
Oizumi : "Please take me to the civilized country."

Fujimura-D : "Oizumi-kun, we start today, from now on."
Oizumi : "Yes, yes."
Finally, MR. pinned the one point of the world map with fretting.

Oizumi : "Malyasia?"

Oizumi : "Indeed! I thought we would go to Africa or so. Malaysia is the civilized country, isn't it?"
He looks feel relieved a little.
MR. : "We'll go to a national park in Malaysia."
Oizumi : "A national park?"
MR. : "It's different from Japanese one."
Oizumi : "??"
MR. : "It called "TAMAN NEGARA" national park."
Oizumi : "TAMANO GAWA?"

Tamannugara national park is a jungle of rain forest. There will be many animals and plants.
THe purpose is to explore this jungle. There are also bears and tigers.

MR. : "An explore, Mr.Oizumi can't wait..."
Oizumi : "Well, you are....always..."
MR : "There are man-eater tigers."
Oizumi : "What the hell are you? Are you a hunter or something? "There are man-eater tigers.""
It may be the place to be blowed out his brain with an arrow like one he brought.
Oizumi : "I have conquered a man-eater tiger. I saved the village with a dangerous condition."
Really? He must be a real explore.
Speaking of conquering a tiger, we remember "it". We expected a little but it didin't appear.

Oizumi : "I've conquered a tiger named 'Kandanta'..."


MR. : "Where did you do it at?"
Oizumi : "In Smatra."
MR. : "It's near Smatra..."
Oizumi : "Yes."
We and Oizumi-kun doesn't understand this situation yet.
Anyway, an exploration? It must be fun!

'It's delicious to be bited.'?"

D : "Well, I hope it'll be just a joke..."




Now they arrived at Malaysia over 30℃. Malaysia guide, "YO-san" guided them aroud Kuala Lumpur on the way to the hotel. Oizumi : "I already felt there's something similar to me in YO-san."

They were surprised at watching splendid downtown. Their guide, Yo-san tought them about Tamannugara.

And the fact they told...
YO-san told them a shocking news.

Oizumi : "WHAT?"
Immifiatly, MR. tried to operate informations.
MR. : "We hear nothing! Wah! Wah!"
Oizumi : "Hey! He said someone died? And it happened recently??"
Will the new facts which even Hiroshi Kawaguchi's exploration party will surprise at make clear one after another?
For the present, DODESHO exploration party arrived at a gorgious hotel.


Announcement of the schedule, BUNBUN

DODESHO exploration party arrived at the hotel.
Oizumi-kun is in bad condition by cold. They worried about exploration starts tomorrow. But anyway, announced detailed schedule at last.
From Kuara Lumpur they'll take a bus for three hours, then ride on a boat for another three hours. Then they'll get to their lodgings in the entrance of the national park. We're tired only to hear the schedule...
Oizumi-kun is still keeping complaining. Like attacking the routed enemy, Fujimura-D says, "I forgot to say..."
D : "There are crocodiles in the river we'll go up tomorrow."
Oizumi : "No-o-o-o-o. It's no good. I can't stand it being worried about the crocodiles for three hours."
MR : "Please be resigned for it."
They'll stay at the base camp in the national park.It will take for six hours by walking through the jungle to their desitination.
And here is the list of dangerouse animals they'll encounter in the jungle:

Malay bears. Malay tigers. Malay elephants. Venomous snakes. Scorpions and Spiders... etc...
There are many many kinds of dangerous animals. Where are they going to go through them??


Oizumi :"Bun Bun?"

BUNBUN= a hut for observing wild animals.

Oizumi : "Are you going to stay there?"

That's right!

MR. : "There are no electricity."
Oizumi : "WHAT?? It's no good there's no electricity! Oh, no.....I wanna go home!!"
You can't. You'are alerady here.

Oizumi :"Then we have to supply the weapons at the base camp, like a survival knife..."
D : "We've got ready for them."
He showed Oizumi-kun a flashlight and an insect repellent spray...
And at last

Oizumi : "I'm ready to be eaten if compelled."

Will he make us to be touched by his own death?
D : "Well, I hope it'll be only a joke..."


The Morning of depature

Next morning. It's time to get on the bus. Oizumi-kun has been having loose bowels. Is he OK?
Anyway, they got on the bus. They look same in the bus in anywhere.

The bus is only shaking, moves ahead little by little.
This was the beggining suggested their exploration from then...


an addition

It's the new beggining of DODESHO this week. There are lots of services for new audience.
Telops became clear from "Tokyo Walker" (though the previous ones had bigger impact.) And they warned that this prgram would spent one time to broadcast the introduction of the trip. Still more, they declared that it was not a trip program on the opening...
Hold out, the king of Malay!!

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