A prince almost being a king

Yo Ooizume

He has lots of strange names like "credulous man", "an easy-surprise -man", " an artiste of a bus" and "a scraggly hair."
Once he wore a costume of prince accidently and spoke like a prince, he become to be called "prince".
At the begging of "DODESHO" he was "just an odd student"(by Mamo-chan). But he brushed up his "being-abducted-style" and "being a braggart" and "grumbling", he grow up as a "great odd prince".

He, experienced playing at university, is active in drama companies, "Inada-gumi" and "Team-NACS". He started to work as a DJ in "GOLGO" (AIR-G') with Yasuken known as (o_n)chan.
Now he's also in performs CM on TV, very popular among both teen- agers and adults.